DAO (Social) Proposal Template

DAO (Social) Proposal Template

EGP#: <# to be assigned>
Title: <EGP title>
Author(s): <list of authors' names and/or Twitter/GitHub handles>
Type: DAO Proposal
Status: <Assigned by GSC or Forum moderators >
Date Proposed: <yyyy-mm-dd>
Date Ratified: <yyyy-mm-dd>


  • A list of supporting materials referenced by this EGP

Sentence Summary

  • A description of what the Element Governance Proposal (EGP) is focused on. Suggest 30 words max.

Paragraph Summary

  • A description of what the Element Governance Proposal (EGP) is focused on. 100 words max is recommended.


  • A short description of the motivation behind the EGP.

Specification / Proposal Details

  • Proposed process standard details - describes the new process or feature and the problem it is solving.

Next Steps (Voting Outcome Summary)

  • Clearly outline the next steps for this proposal. This includes what voting “yes” and “no” entails and what the outcome and next steps would be if the proposal were to pass the Off-Chain Poll and On-Chain Vote.

  • For example:

    • Discuss this proposal on the forum and discord.

    • Implement a poll on this proposal on Snapshot.

      • If passed: This proposal will move to an On-Chain Vote

    • Implemented a vote on this proposal on Element Governance Dashboard

      • If passed: This proposal will be executed and the following will be deemed as new DAO process, etc.

Last updated

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